
Friday, September 28, 2012

Thrifting in Japan

You may have noticed by now that most of my thrifted clothing is labeled "thrifted in Japan."  I label it that way because the brand on the label is usually not available in the U.S. (or legible by me).  I just moved to the U.S. from Japan, and while I was there I thrifted ALL THE TIME.  Why?  Generally, Japanese clothing is made in 3 sizes.  All of which seemed to fit me pretty well.  Imagine walking into a thrift store where all of the clothing fits you.  IT. WAS. HEAVEN.  Moreover, I wear a shoe size 5.5-6.  Most of the shoes in the Japanese thrift stores were also my size.  I. WENT. WILD. 
Anyways, this shirt was one of the last items I thrifted in Japan before moving back to the States.  It's also one of my favorite items.  I love how lady-like and sweet it is.  KAWAII!
Lace Shirt (thrifted in Japan), Jeans (Old Navy), Shoes (Nine & Company), Purse (thrifted and painted, see here)

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