
Friday, August 31, 2012


Have you ever started a diet, and immediately food that you never crave seems irresistible?  You find yourself rummaging through your cabinets...
Is that a twizzler?!  YESSSSS...  wait, it's just a piece of string.  HUMPH.
Is that a cupcake?! YESSSSSSSSSSS!  It expired a few months ago?  ehhhh... these things don't go bad.
Since starting my "clothing diet," this phenomenon has already begun.  As I was driving yesterday, every clothing store was calling me.  I felt like they were all singing "Come on over.  Come on over, baby!"  Anyway, I managed to escape and came home to online "window shop".  Zara is one of my favorite stores and has been ever since I lived in Madrid.  Did you know it's a Spanish brand?  Fun Fact #1.  I want to take these babies home (and love them forever):

Top, Skirt, Shoes, Bag, Pants

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